Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse array of magazines and periodicals, covering a wide range of topics. From the excitement of sports to the enchantment of travel and the elegance of architecture, each assignment presented its own unique set of challenges and rewards.
Furthermore, I have been fortunate enough to accumulate extensive experience in photographing children. Through commissioned projects for encyclopedias and puericulture manuals, I have had the privilege of capturing the complexity of childhood, as well as documenting the various stages of development.
Displayed below are just a few samples that showcase the diverse subjects I have had the pleasure of photographing.

Modus vivendi, 'Il Salvagente' magazine, 1999
Ville e Giardini, 2004

Case & Country, Giannoni & Santoni

Natura Oggi, Rizzoli, 1992

Abitare, Editore Segesta
Domus Architettura, Editoriale Domus, 1982

Editorial publications, 1980

La Polo International, 1988
Weekend e Viaggi, Editore Arianna, 1990

Squash Magazine, 1987/1990

Weekend e Viaggi, Editore Arianna, 1982

AD Italia - Antiques, Edizioni Condé Nast spa, 2000

Monografia Industriale Faravelli

Editorial Publications

Viaggio nella Geografia, Touring Club Italiano, Editore Arnoldo Mondadori, 1985

India, Fratelli Fabbri Editori, booklet 1 and 4, 2000